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Adoption #3 Process
We will soon be starting our third domestic infant adoption!

_ ask for application
_ submit formal application
_ paperwork/self studies
_ medical exams
_ home visit
_ approval as a waiting family
_ design and submit profile
_ selection by agency for birthmother
_ placement of child
_ get Order Terminating Rights date
_ OTR hearing for birthparents
_ 21-day legal appeal period
_ sign petition for adoption
_ visits at 3 & 6 mo. after OTR
_ confirmation hearing


My Journey
Spring Break!
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 @ 6:26 p.m.

I'm feeling well today! Today was the last day of the 3rd quarter of the school year. Spring break is next week. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is working on report cards. They're due the Tuesday after break. I'm starting to make some plans about what I'm going to do during those five days off of school. If I don't, I'll get very little accomplished, and I'll be mad at myself. Some things I'm considering are:
-a day at school to do all my work, then visiting a friend who lives nearby who I usually visit every spring break
-a day shopping for summer and spring clothes
-a day working outside getting my garden cleaned up and ready for a new year
-a day relaxing at home doing very little except maybe cleaning the spare bedroom

On the fertility front......I'm still in the fertile portion of my cycle. I should ovulate in a day or two. We'll see what the next few days bring.


then< >now

Recent Entries

Adoption Complete! Thinking About Another - Thursday, Nov. 05, 2009
6 Month Supervisory Visit Today - Wednesday, May. 27, 2009
New Information About Both Girls' Birth Families - Friday, May. 01, 2009
Visit with our Second Daughter's Birthmother - Thursday, Feb. 12, 2009
Things from the Birthmother, Preparing for the Meeting, and Cycle Returning to Normal - Sunday, Feb. 08, 2009

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers