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Adoption #3 Process
We will soon be starting our third domestic infant adoption!

_ ask for application
_ submit formal application
_ paperwork/self studies
_ medical exams
_ home visit
_ approval as a waiting family
_ design and submit profile
_ selection by agency for birthmother
_ placement of child
_ get Order Terminating Rights date
_ OTR hearing for birthparents
_ 21-day legal appeal period
_ sign petition for adoption
_ visits at 3 & 6 mo. after OTR
_ confirmation hearing


My Journey
The Shower and My Injection Class
Tuesday, May. 25, 2004 @ 5:50 p.m.

There's a lot to write about today. I hope I can remember it all. On my way home from work today, my mind was filled with various jumbled-up ideas of what I was going to write. I need to clear it out and get things written down.

I'll start with the wedding shower for my husband's cousin. As I had expected there were babies there. The bride's sister and sister-in-law brought their babies, and my sister-in-law brought my niece. There was also the cousin who brought her youngest, who is around a year, and who is pregnant with her sixth child. She wasn't really pregnant, so I didn't get bothered by her appearance. It was the babies that affected me the most. I just wanted the party to be over so I could get away from the babies, and the people who were adoring them and talking about who they looked like and what their sleeping habits were like. I was glad when I was home again, sitting in the basement with my husband, waiting for the severe thunderstorm to pass, and lighting candles in case the power went out. Right now I'd rather hear the sound of thunder than the sound of someone's baby.

Today was my injection teaching session at my RE's office. I arrived there 15 minutes early because I was sick of waiting around at home. While I was in the waiting room, a woman came in who had brought her baby to show the RN who works in that office. The woman said the baby was 5 months old, and had been born a month premature. Apparently the woman had lost one of her twins and afterwards had to have an IV hooked to her ankle all the time. It sounded like it wasn't an easy pregnancy. I was happy for this lady, but I couldn't get myself to look at the baby. Hearing its noises was hard enough to bear.

I was called to the back along with another woman who would be learning about injections with me. She had never mixed medicine or given herself an injection before. We watched a video together and had to pause it occasionally to practice with our own practice syringes, needles, and solution. We even could make fake injections in what I called "the blob", a gelatinous, flesh-colored thing that looked like a fat knee. I found that from my previous experience with taking Ovidrel, there wasn't much I didn't already know. The only problem we did have was with the ampules. They are these small glass capsule-like things with medicine inside. The video said to hold the ampule with the dot facing us, cover the top with gauze, and break off the top by pulling away. We both tried to do this, but the glass wouldn't break. Finally I asked a nurse for help. She said that you can break it away OR toward yourself. When we tried breaking it toward ourselves, the top broke off. We both felt a little dumb. See what happens when you try to follow directions?

After the video the nurse asked if we had any questions, and went over some more instructions. I'll be having approximately 8-12 days of treatment, which will include medication, ultrasounds, and blood tests. I have to have a "screening" ultrasound on days 1-3 of my cycle to make sure that I don't have any cysts. I'll probably start taking the FSH injections (to stimulate my body to produce more eggs) on day 3 of my cycle. The other woman already had a plan of what medication she would be using and what days, but my doctor hadn't made a plan for me yet. The nurse said that since my doctor won't be in for two weeks (because of Memorial Day) the other doctor would write a plan for my when he comes on Thursday. That doctor likes to start injections on day 3 of your cycle, so that's probably how mine will be. On around day 8 or 9 of my cycle I will need to go in for a mid-cycle ultrasound and a blood test to check my estradol levels. The blood test and ultrasound have to be done on the same day in the early morning. The nurse said to bring the Ovidrel along for the ultrasound in case the shot needs to be taken right away. Once the doctor sees the results of both tests, the office will call in the afternoon to give me instructions. Either I'll be told when to take my next shot, or...actually, I really don't know. I should have asked if more than one blood test or ultrasound will be needed. I'm assuming that I won't since I seem to respond well to the fertility drugs.

The nurse didn't talk about inseminations, but of course I know that will be the next step in the process. It appeared that the other woman in my session was going to be using timed intercourse. Too bad I don't have it that easy.

In addition we were given all the details of possible side effects and risks of follicle stimulating hormone therapy. The main thing I learned is that in order to prevent ovarian torsion (when large and heavy ovaries twist and cut off their blood supply), I can't do any bouncing activities during the cycle I'm on the medication. These activities include aerobics, running, jogging, horseback riding, jet skiing, and jumping on trampolines. I am able to walk, swim, stretch, and ride bicycle in moderation. It's a good thing I'm not an athletic person. That must be very hard for some people. I guess I won't be going on any roller coasters any time soon!

Now that I have a little better idea about how these injectable cycles will go, I'm realizing that there's no way we can go on vacation for two weeks. I have to see the doctor every two weeks now since I have to have that extra ultrasound at the start of my cycle. I talked to my husband, and I think we'll just have to skip the one we would have done in early August. We'll just have to do one very early in September, which will probably interfere a little with school. Maybe we won't even do a third one. Maybe by then we will be sick of it all.

Today I realized that I will have to leave school one more time this year to see the doctor. I hadn't expected that extra ultrasound at the beginning of my cycle. Here's where things get confusing. My period is due on Monday, Memorial Day. It could come on the Sunday before, or the Tuesday after. The doctor's office is closed on Sunday, Monday (because of the holiday), and Wednesday (when they are always closed). That means if I get my period on Sunday or Monday I'll have to call them up on Tuesday at 8:00 when they open, to schedule an ultrasound for that morning! If I get my period on Tuesday, I can call on Tuesday or Thursday morning and get an ultrasound for Thursday. I either case that means I have to get someone to watch my class on very short notice. My principal/friend is willing to work with me, so I'm hoping it will all work out.

I'm hoping that the mid-cycle ultrasound with be on Thursday, June 10. That will be the day after the last day of school, and doctor's appointments will cease to be a problem. Because I'd hate to have to miss school on one of the last days of school, I'm hoping for a late period. It will make things much easier.

It's hard to about two weeks, school will be out, and I'll be in the middle of my first injectable cycle. June will also mark one year since my first visit with a reproductive endocrinologist. It sure has been one long year.


then< >now

Recent Entries

Adoption Complete! Thinking About Another - Thursday, Nov. 05, 2009
6 Month Supervisory Visit Today - Wednesday, May. 27, 2009
New Information About Both Girls' Birth Families - Friday, May. 01, 2009
Visit with our Second Daughter's Birthmother - Thursday, Feb. 12, 2009
Things from the Birthmother, Preparing for the Meeting, and Cycle Returning to Normal - Sunday, Feb. 08, 2009

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