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TCOYF charts

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Adoption #3 Process
We will soon be starting our third domestic infant adoption!

_ ask for application
_ submit formal application
_ paperwork/self studies
_ medical exams
_ home visit
_ approval as a waiting family
_ design and submit profile
_ selection by agency for birthmother
_ placement of child
_ get Order Terminating Rights date
_ OTR hearing for birthparents
_ 21-day legal appeal period
_ sign petition for adoption
_ visits at 3 & 6 mo. after OTR
_ confirmation hearing


My Journey
Charting and Preemie Twins
Saturday, Aug. 23, 2003 @ 9:34 a.m.

I'm on to my third day of Clomid now. There's still no side effects. I know this will sound weird, but it's been kind of fun to figure out how to record medicines in my fertility chart software programs. I really like the Ovusoft one. There you can record what medicine, the dosage, and any comments.

Today I decided to get all my charts up to date, even my one. I hadn't updated that one in a long time. When I got to their site I found that they are doing away with it. You can only use it until the end of the month. Then you have to go to "Web MD Fertility Center" to register with them and after three months of free use you pay $14.95 per month to use it. Of course they say it's improved. They should improve it if you have to pay! It was never very impressive to me. It was a pain to took forever.

Since Fertility Friend has much of its services for free, and I've already bought the Ovusoft Fertility Software, there's no need for Babymed anymore. Very soon it will be removed from my dairy links. Good riddance I say!!

I returned my TCOYF book to my principal/friend, but we didn't talk about my infertility. I decided not to bring it up. Right now I'll wait until she says something or until I need to ask for time off work.

We met with my friend with the preemie twins yesterday. The babies are now 5 lb, 3 oz and 4 lb, 8 oz. They have had some surgeries recently. Hernia surgery for both, and eye surgery for one. Both probably have some sort of eye injury, from the oxygen I'm told. The babies may be going home in two weeks, but will need to have feeding tubes and be on oxygen. This is the friend who originally had triplets, but lost one of them from infection. The babies were conceived using superovulation with insemination (what I'm doing). It's scary to see what can happen with multiples. Of course things can go well too. Another friend of mine also conceived with superovulation. She gave birth to triplets with no complications. You never know. You just have to pray and trust God, trying your best not to worry.

My nephew turns three in a couple weeks. I had always hoped that I would have a two year old by now. But, that was not to be. I'll try not to be too sad. I'm trying to accept the situation I've been placed in. It's SO hard, though! I need lots of prayer!!!


then< >now

Recent Entries

Adoption Complete! Thinking About Another - Thursday, Nov. 05, 2009
6 Month Supervisory Visit Today - Wednesday, May. 27, 2009
New Information About Both Girls' Birth Families - Friday, May. 01, 2009
Visit with our Second Daughter's Birthmother - Thursday, Feb. 12, 2009
Things from the Birthmother, Preparing for the Meeting, and Cycle Returning to Normal - Sunday, Feb. 08, 2009

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers