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Adoption #3 Process
We will soon be starting our third domestic infant adoption!

_ ask for application
_ submit formal application
_ paperwork/self studies
_ medical exams
_ home visit
_ approval as a waiting family
_ design and submit profile
_ selection by agency for birthmother
_ placement of child
_ get Order Terminating Rights date
_ OTR hearing for birthparents
_ 21-day legal appeal period
_ sign petition for adoption
_ visits at 3 & 6 mo. after OTR
_ confirmation hearing


My Journey
Summer Baby?
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2008 @ 11:31 p.m.

Our profile was mailed out to another office today. Yesterday my case worker called to tell me about a new situation. It's from an office about an hour away for a baby due this summer. The expectant couple wants a very open adoption, so they want to choose a family now. They both have family support, and the potential birthmom is said to be a strong Christian.

The couple will be looking at profiles from across the state as well as one office in a large city of another state. I expect that there will be many families for them to choose from. They have already met and rejected two families (one before they started working with my agency and one from the office they are currently using). They may want to meet with more than one couple before making a choice.

They are specifically interested in a family with children already and a mom who stays at home or works part-time. Those things fit our family, so I'm excited about that. I'm not so excited about the investment of time this could involve if we are matched months before the due date. A lot can happen in that time.

Our social worker told me that there are some more situations coming up in our office. She said she will not let this potential situation prevent her from showing our profile to other expectant parents.


then< >now

Recent Entries

Adoption Complete! Thinking About Another - Thursday, Nov. 05, 2009
6 Month Supervisory Visit Today - Wednesday, May. 27, 2009
New Information About Both Girls' Birth Families - Friday, May. 01, 2009
Visit with our Second Daughter's Birthmother - Thursday, Feb. 12, 2009
Things from the Birthmother, Preparing for the Meeting, and Cycle Returning to Normal - Sunday, Feb. 08, 2009

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